This is an experiment in tableless layout. Each picture's frame is composed of HTML elements, and each picture, frame, and shadow make a single HTML module. These are floated into position. No tables were harmed or abused in the makng of this page.
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He is a certified service dog,
and earns his way as well as being a family pet. He is getting some help...well as
soon as they get the puppy trained. Both are Australian Shepherds. As you can see in
they get along.
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I recently met up with a couple of friends from college days. We were at Southern Illinois University (SIU) in the early '70s.
Peter Handy
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Debra Jonas
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Pete, a design major who saw the world from a different point of view and with whom I shared many adventures and beers.
Debra, an English major who has had the opportunity to see some of the more exotic places in this world.
Lawrence, a zoology major who liked to get outdoors. He ended up in computer science working indoors. Go figure.
"[The] ride was a lot of fun. A little scary, a lot of g-force. being inside the racetrack. A different perspective than the grandstands." --Todd
Maria Todd
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Todd: Ready to Go!
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Last Instructions
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180 mph !!
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