This site started as a learning lab to experiment with Web development techniques. It still is a learning lab and there is the occasional metaphorical saw dust of construction. More now, it is a collection of Web Development techniques to share. Here is an introduction; otherwise, use the menu and explore!
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Checkout the How-tos, Tips and Tricks of Web development in Info Tech. Take some free code home.
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A journal of site news, activities, and ideas can be found in the News section.
The Digital Web published my article Extending The JavaScript Date Object with User Defined Methods, March 4, 2008. Pop over there and check it out. It's an honor to be in the company of the august writers who contribute articles to the Digital Web even if it is only this once. The article is a more polished version of the How-To in the Info Tech section.
I never liked or used "hacks" to get around IE bugs (or features). Work-arounds, yes, but relying on parser bugs to mask code violated some sense of prudent coding. Well, now IE7 proves the point.
"We're starting to see the first round of sites and pages breaking due to the CSS fixes we have made. We would like to ask your help in cleaning up existing CSS hacks in your pages for IE7." -- from IEBlog
More at the Site Journal
Entertainment, amusement, and diversions (most from emails) for your pleasure. Visit Recreation department.
Some photos
like movies are really best seen on the big screen.
The image shown is among the first two in a new section that lets
you see a large picture.
You still get the thumbnail and scaled down image as before. Now you also can click on the image to view full size version for maximum affect. Some images just deserve this.